
Thanks for time and  opportunity. I will discuss about a good appearance of secretary. Before it, let me intruduce my self. My name is Rini Yuliana, , from class twelve office administration one, my number is . . .
In here i will more discuss about how to have good appearance. Step to have good appearance is
1.      Physical condition
A secretary should give attention to his physical condition by keep healthy. some things you can do to support good physical condition is
a.      Balanced food
a balanced food can help the body to be more health
b.      Regural Exercise
Regular exercise can increase stamina and reduce stress
c.      Rest enough
rest enough helps the body to restore stamina that has been lost

2.      Body Care
Caring for the body to stay healthy, fit and looks beautiful
can do to support good body care is
a.      Hair care
Hair must be treated in order to look beautiful and not limp.p
b.      Care for hands and feet, especially on nails
care for hands and feet, especially on the nail is very important, because for a secretary who has long nails would inhibit the work
c.      Treating the face
face must be maintained to be seen fit

3.      Good way of dress
Good way of dress is particular feature, showingg personality and authority for the secretary. Dress means good overall permormanse self ranging from grooming the hair, face, lgs and other

Must look for secretary in the dress
a.      Type of Clothing and moment
for example. in the work, we do not deserve to use clothes like people want to go to parties
b.      Physical and Colors and motifs Clothing
For examle. Someone a high  body and thin body better use clothes with a rather large motifs or motifs with horizontal lines

I think just it. thanks for you attention. any question
so much from me. I apologize if there are mistakes...
thanks you


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